Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘marrying a convert’

I want to marry a Hindu girl who is 5 years older than me and ready to convert to Islam

Is it wrong having a register marriage before Nikkah? But we are not living together, registered marriage is only for government proof to show that I am her guardian as she will be alone and away from her family. It is not easy in India for a Muslim to get married to an Hindu girl or for a Hindu to convert to Islam.

I want to marry a Hindu convert to Islam but my parents will not allow it

Assalamu-alaikum, I belong to a Muslim family and I am 24 yrs old. My parents are looking for a guy to get me married. I have a friend whom I’ve known since my college days which is for around 4 years. He is a non Muslim.

A Convert Without a Wali

I converted to Islam just over two years ago. No one in my family is Muslim; they are all either Christian or agnostic.

A few months after I converted, I met a Muslim male on an online matchmaking service. We’ve come to know each other very well and have decided to marry inshallah. Both of us have decided we want as halaal a marriage as possible.

Can I marry a convert without my parents blessings?

I met a Tamil boy around 5 years ago. We worked together for around 3 years and over time we got to know each other very well. He was an atheist but little by little he got interested in Islam. My parents questioned me if I had any feelings for this guy. I told them that I was praying that he accepts Islam out of his own will and accord and if so I would like to consider something further. They didn’t react positively towards this.

They rejected me because I am a convert

My heart is breaking because this Muslim family, instead of grasping me with love and understanding has made me into something ugly. Why am I not good enough to Love this man? Why is my age an issue when Mohammed (pbuh) married Khadija? Why would a mother not want her son to marry a woman that is immeasurably in Love with him? Why am I the one to suffer?

my parents don’t want him because he is a convert and from a different culture

I met a guy and we have known each other for over a year. We began working together and we got to know each other. He had told me he believes in God but doesn’t understand a lot about religion but was interested in Islam.

We started going out and he made many Muslim friends who taught him more about Islam. He fasted Ramadan and a week after Eid ul Fitr he converted to Islam. He had previously told me wanted to marry me and I always said I can only marry a Muslim man. After he converted I believed it was the right time to talk to my mother and father. When I spoke to them both they said that they do not want to hear of it and their answer is no!

Her mother will not accept a convert

i started to know a mixed race girl… french carabien and Algerian (arabic)…she told me when we was going out she can only marry a muslim… i didnt have a problem as even before knowing her i thought of converting… however her family does not like converted muslims as her original dad was a converted one him self and had walked out on the family.