Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘masturbation’

Is masturbation haram?

If it is where in Quran is it mentioned and if a person does it after iftar during ramadan what are the consequences?

Please save me from these sins?

Whenever I pray I hate myself because I know I am a sinner, a grave sinner, I hate myself and definitely Allah will be hating me.

Feeling like to get suicide

I find it hard to control sexual feelings and stop masturbation. I am feeling really shame over this habit.

How to have long distance intimacy?

My wife is living in another country. It would take 1 year for her to come live with me. Whenever I speak to her on phone or skype I get sexual urges…

Is suicide permissible to put a full stop to masturbation?

Allah guides whom He wills so if I do suicide then I won’t be able to do masturbation anymore… so is it permissible?

Urgent request regarding conjugal life!

I request your response for the following two issues…

My hymen broke, not able to get married

I’m 16 years old…

**Editor’s note – This post is about sensitive personal health matters for a young sister. Please respect Islamic limits.**

I have had phone sex with a girl

I think she has lost her virginity. I am still in fear. Help me what have I done… is it a zina?

Is masturbation a sin?

Is it a sin? Please tell me.

I am terrified…!!

I am a 13 year old girl. I recently heard a terrifying lecture about what happens in the grave to people who do zina, and I’m so terrified of Allah!