Tag Archive for ‘nikkah’

Was our nikah legal or not?
As you can understand, me or my husband didn’t read anything from the koran or make any dua (of course now we are doing that), but probably the imam did (I don’t know that). Can we still read something with the meaning it is for our nikah?

Valid Islamic marriage
If an adult boy and an adult girl say ‘qubool hai’ in front of 2 sane witnesses without any Quazi, meher or wali, then is this nikah valid? Please say confirm an answer according to islam. -Taeba

Should I go ahead with the wedding?
We are getting married in the local mosque, but we are not registering the marriage in the register’s office because he is scared someone will find it out. Therefore, the marriage will not be legal, although for me it’s perfectly ok to be married in front of Allah the Almighty. But the thing is, he keeps being scared of reactions from his family over in pakistan, people losing respect for him, and repercussions against his siblings whom he feels responsible for.

Can we do a secret nikkah?
Assalam, I’m a muslim girl. In fact, I’m in love with a muslim boy. Our parents are very happy, but the problem is that we have not completed our studies so our parents have planned to get us engaged. We want to do nikah without letting anyone know about it, is it possible? Our parents […]

Pregnancy and nikkah.
Salaams, I am currently 8 months pregnant by my “boyfriend”. I struggled a lot with the decision to keep the baby, but chose to do so as I thought it was islamically and morally the right thing to do. I have my family’s support to keep the baby, but they do not approve of the […]

A valid nikkah with no witness but Allah?
AOA, My question is, if two people (male and female) take an oath that they will accept each other as husband and wife and their witness is Allah Talah while they are alone (as Allah is everywhere), is this nikkah possible? I have read that nikkah is not a thing to do behind closed doors, […]

how do muslims marry a non-muslim?
I just told her that we muslims are allowed to marry christians, so she must have to perform the marriage the way of our islam- the way of a muslim- so that she can be my wife and I can be her husband. It’s just for me to make sure that she is my wife, and I would follow her way of marriage so that she can be sure that I am her husband, and she agreed with it.

Was this nikkah done correctly?
Aoa, I have a friend, and she was in a relationship with a man. Today she had nikah with him without her parents’ consent. She is asking whether this nikah is legal or not. The man and molvi were seated separately. They say they had all vows done, and there were witnesses from the boy’s side […]

Do we really need Bidai for our nikah to count?
We are not living together, like we aren’t married. He is like a ghair mahram to me, as my parents instructed. And my parents also said without bidaai after nikah in Islam we are not allowed (Haram) to stay together. Is it really true???

Can I marry again, whilst going through my divorce?
Obviously it is not possible in the UK to be legally married to more than one woman. But I believe that it would be possible to go through the Islamic ceremony (Nikah) and perform the civil marriage at a later date. My hope is that this would mean that we were married in Allah’s eyes and could start our life together.