Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘revert’

I want to marry a Korean, but everyone is against it

I met this Korean guy and he seemed like a good person. We were talking one day and he said he wanted to convert to Islam. I was shocked but he seemed sincere. I finally thought, I think he’s the one for me.

Please help me im a revert, my husband won’t divorce me and feel so depressed?

Im young under 20, I fell pregnant and married the father. I took shahadah only to marry him and not for myself. I didnt really have any idea how much my life would change. I was interested in islam however I was no where near ready..

Sexual harrasment by father in law

I am a revert of 9 years, I have been with my husband for 13 years and I have twins age 5. For the past 13 years my husband’s sister’s have been spiteful and nasty to me, I have tried with them so much I’ve helped them through bad times and even looked after them when ill. I have ignored their spiteful ness towards me and never reacted to them, I have had so many arguments with my husband aboutthem and he says he is put in the middle or ignores the situation.

How do I learn more about Islam?

Only recently I’ve been learning about Islam, however I don’t think I’m doing it right. I keep jumping from one thing to another. I’m not sure which steps to take to learn more.

I want to marry someone. Should I tell my parents or keep quiet for now?

But what if I have the person I want to get married to in mind now? Alhamdulillah, I think I have met the brother with whose religion and characters I’m satisfied with. We have never done anything haraam. We have never been alone in a closed environment. He is very pious and acts and dresses modestly.

Would a Muslim revert man go to Jannat if his kids are still hindu?

I would be very grateful, if anyone can provide me any advice please. If a non-Muslim man converts, and gets married to a muslim woman and have their children who are muslim too…

Still hurting from my lost love

I am a non-religious woman and I was involved with a muslim man for a few years. I loved him dearly. He swore he loved me as well. We were friends..

I can’t make my own choices

A while ago I met a non muslim girl who I befriended and we got along very nicely. Through me she got to know about Islam and she took real liking to it. After a while she said she would convert and we both wanted to get married. Her parents did not want her to convert, but left it to her to decide. convinced her dad that we shouldn’t get married.

My husband gambles

I have been in a relationship with a Muslim man for 6 years and we are married by an Imam but not by law. We are currently located in US and we have a preschool age son. My husband has gambled off and on for awhile and both he and I know it is haram. I am a recent revert so I am new to the religion but I do know gambling is a no no and I have stopped ever since I have taken the shahada.

Pregnant by muslim man

I am christian woman, living in canada I have 1 daughter from a previous relationship, Never married.. I started dating a muslim man almost a year ago and I am currently 6 months pregnant with his baby (a boy) and the father has wanted me to get an abortion but It’s way too late for that.