Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘want to marry him’

Please help me to be able to marry him

His parents visited to see me and disliked me because of age differences. Still I’m not able to tell him I am 6 years elder. He knows I’m only a few months elder to him.

seeking second opinion about istikhara

Usually I don’t see stuff or remember my dreams, but last night I saw some fragments of dream that I remember.. I saw an old woman pass away. There wasent any mourning or anything. Then I saw stairs, and I had the feeling that because of my relationship to the guy, I could easily access the stairs. When I woke up, white color got hold of my mind.

Should I run away from home?

My parents are not ready to understand this, and he has to deal with his family too. Now I am just planning to run away from my home…should I? My father forgave me and he felt guilty for what he did. He tried to give me love, but I got annoyed because he makes me eat or makes me sit when I don’t want to. Should I leave my family and just go?

He proposed then changed his mind, my heart is broken

he told me he doesn’t know if he even wants this anymore. i was very upset and shocked and i still am because he was the one who came back to me. he said he thinks its best we go our separate ways. and that’s all i got.

I want to marry my friend, but my parents battered me when I told them

I am 23 years of age . i dnt know how to tell my problem to you. let me put it this way that i really feel myself all alone and eagerly want to commit suicide…

Will he still be accepted as Muslim when blood is transferred to him by non-Muslims?

Problem is; he is Thalassemia patient who needs blood transfusion and blood donation is done by Christians. Will he still be accepted as Muslim, when blood is transferred to him by non-Muslims?

Is doing Nikkah with same person twice allowed in Islam?

I have decided to marry my boyfriend first without my parents knowing anything about it and then marry the same guy again later, with their consent. I want to know if I can do so, because I know that keeping a relationship would lead to committing a lot of sins. We really love each other and want to spend all our life together.

His family do not want us to marry

My Question is That I love one person and he loves me too actually he was the one who proposed me and now it has been one year and our love is very clean and pure. we havent seen eachother i live i Saudi arabia and he lives In Afghanistan.