Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Will he still be accepted as Muslim when blood is transferred to him by non-Muslims?


I am samana 29years of age and would like to do Nikah after Ramadan with an Italian boy who's Christian.

We both love each other, but have never met as he stays in Italy.

He is ready to accept Islam and convert himself forever. He does not eat pork and does not drink alcohol. Problem is; he is a Thalassemia patient who needs blood transfusion and blood donation is done by Christians.

My question is:

Will he still be accepted as Muslim, when blood is transferred to him by non-Muslims?

- Samy

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14 Responses »

  1. Salam Samana,

    First of all, I would like to wish you Ramadan Mubarak.

    In my humble opinion, I see nothing wrong in blood transfusion from people of the book or even non muslims.

    The Qur'an reiterates the ancient law that killing one person is like killing the whole community, while saving a life is like saving the whole community (Qur'an 5:32)

    Thus, the blood transfusion is done in a bid to save the life.

    Additionally, What makes us Muslims are our good deeds and not the blood which flows through our veins. Thus, as long as your wannabe husband is following Islam as per Quran, Ii see nothing wrong with him.


    • Walekumsalam..

      Salam Farrukh,
      Faizan-e-Ramadan Mubarak to you and your family..
      Thank you very much for replying to my message..

  2. Wa'alykumsalam !!

    There is no problem regarding the blood transfer ! It is allowed, because that is needed for his survival !

    BUT the question is about the validation of your nik'ah. Will it be HARAM OR HALAL ?

    You might know this already but im just mentioning. It is haram for muslim woman to marry non muslim men.

    Allah (SWT) said: " ...Nor marry (your girls) to unbelievers until they believe: A man slave who believes is better than an unbeliever, even though he allures you. " [ Al Baqarah ]

    You said " He is ready to accept Islam and convert himself forever. He does not eat pork and does not drink alcohol. "

    Now please let me ask, Will he convert to Islam just to marry you ? ( As it is your requirement ) OR Will he convert sincerely ? ( i,e. After studying Islam and then COMPLETELY BELIEVING IN ALLAH (SWT) AND MUHAMMAD (PBUH) AS HIS FINAL MESSENGER and knows all the duty a muslim should know)

    If He will do for the sake of only marrying you, then you CAN'T marry him as he is still considered non believer. But if he is sincere, then its ok.

    The only conversion is a sincere conversion and that is with the guidance of Allah(SWT) and not a
    " conditioned " conversion by guidance of a muslim woman.

    The system should not be cheated !!

  3. The main thing here is, where was your wali in all of this? from the start where was your wali?

    Ask him these questions, if you two did not marry would he still accept Islam? if he says no then he is not a muslim. And you should test that out and take a year out from one another. Stop communication and see what he does at the end of the year.

    Does he know of Allah?
    Does he accept all the prophets?
    Is he going to obey Allahs laws and the prophet? If yes why is he talking with you?
    Its unislamic for him to talk to you without your wali. And to get married without seeing one another is not sunnah. You should meet face to face. With your WALI NOT alone. And your father should be pleased with his character and deen. Seeing as he has no deen at the moment your father would not permit you to marry him. Therefore leave him alone. Let him come to islam alone. If he is doing it for you Allah will never accept that. If he doing it fo Allah he will become muslim then come back to your father a muslim.

    Do not play games with this converting for marriage buisness. its a mocakry, and you should be ashamed of trying to trick Allah and you are only fooling yourself and no one else.

  4. بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم
    Dear brother Farrukh I am not Alim nor Mufti. I want you to correct on this point that women is not alone in Islam. Wali is essential in Nikkah because women is not independent totally. As women never was Rasool or Pyghamber nor she can wali Allah . Wali may be the father or Brother if both are not present or living then he can be uncle (father's brother). According to Imam AbuHaneefa Wali of girl should be present in Nikkah. This also help in more protection for women and for good Islamic tradition. Thank you . May you don't mind.
    May Allah give us straight path.
    Thank you.

  5. Asa! N Ramadan mubarak to all :).
    Sister I believe that what runs through your veins is not what makes you a muslim rather what is in ur heart.

  6. Salamalaikum..
    I have understood all what you have written..
    I would like to tell you, i did not force him to accept Islam.. Firstly i came in contact with him through networking, we just message eachother online 3/4 times a day, we havnt seen eachother in person, just have seen photograph, no phone contacts have made yet.. Its been 7 months since we are talking online.. When he approach me for marriage, the 1st thing i answered was no.. I told him i cant marry you as your non-muslim, my parents will not accept you.. I told him you need to convert in Islam and believe Allah Rasool 1st and forever from your heart and cannot convert yourself just cause you want to marry me. Marriage will be invalid.. I have told him several times about it, and i still keep reminding him, keep asking him again n again..
    He said i am ready to accept Islam and worship from my heart and soul.. He says its upto you to teach me about Islam.. He once said i am thalassemia patient and i knew it when i turned 15years but untill now jesus did not help me.. He has no believe in jesus.. He says he cant keep fast cause of blood transfusion..
    He is going to arrive here after Ramadan and direct wanna talk to my parents for nikkah.. Also he says, he will perform everything about Islam in the house, when he returns back to his nation.. He has spoken to his parents about me and they said yes, his parents answered Islam is strict and hard religion.. But dint tell them about he going to convert.. He tells me not to fan out about his conversion when i takes me to his nation.. He wants to keep hidden untill we get marry..

    Now, tell me what you think.. Is it Halal to marry him.. As i am still confused..

  7. Salamalaikum..
    I have understood to all replies ive got..
    I am an Indian girl, and he is Italian..
    I would like to tell you, i did not force him to accept Islam..
    Firstly, i came in contact with him through networking, we just message eachother online 3/4 times a day, we havnt seen eachother in person, just have seen photograph, no phone contacts have made yet.. Its been 7 months since we are talking online..
    When he approach me for marriage, the 1st thing i answered was no.. I told him i cant marry you as your non-muslim, my parents will not accept you.. I told him you need to convert in Islam and believe Allah, Allah Messenger 1st and forever from your heart and soul..
    I told him, you cannot convert yourself just cause you want to marry me. Nikkah will be invalid.. I have told him several times about it, and i still keep reminding, asking him again n again..
    His reply to me, i am ready to accept Islam and worship from my heart and soul.. He says its you needs teach me about Islam.. But cant keep fast cause of blood transfusion..
    He once said i am thalassemia patient and i knew it when i turned 15years but untill now jesus did not help me.. He has no believe in jesus..
    He is going to arrive India after Ramadan and direct wanna talk to my parents for conversion and nikkah.. Also he says, he will perform,recite everything about Islam in the house, when he returns back to his nation.. He has spoken to his parents about me and they said yes, his parents answered Islam is strict and hard religion.. His parents are unaware of his son who will be accepting Islam.. He tells me not to fan out about his conversion when he takes me to his nation.. He wants to keep hidden from his family..

    Now, tell me what you think.. Is it Halal to marry him.. As i am still confused..

    • Wa'alykumsalam !!

      I'll talk straight forward. If it hurts you, I apologize in advance, but i'm giving my opinion !!!

      You said:

      " Firstly, i came in contact with him through networking, we just message eachother online 3/4 times a day, we havnt seen eachother in person, just have seen photograph, no phone contacts have made yet.. Its been 7 months since we are talking online.. "

      Everyone has an opinion regarding finding a potential partner. But finding it through networking site is really DANGEROUS. Do you know that normally people on networking site LIE. everyone knows that lol. They are NOT what they are in real life. I guess it is also haram to chat with non mahram.
      You're in India I suppose and he's in Italy, its like two different world. I really doubt you guys can get along well. He havn't accepted Islam yet, and who knows if he is sincere or trying to trap you !! This guy you're talking about, hmmmmm authentic or not only Allah(SWT) knows. I can be completely wrong you know.

      You said:

      "But cant keep fast cause of blood transfusion..
      He once said i am thalassemia patient "

      This is just my opinion and I have rights to what I think. Sister Samy, normally a person would find a spouse who is physically, mentally, emotionally HEALTHY and is able to practice his duty as a muslim. I would think twice and thrice before planning to marry someone who have got some some sort of disease. If this offend you, I'm sorry. Just giving my perspective. Because Basically, I want my spouse to be a role model for our children. If he is a muslim and healthy, then he would be able to do all the duties a muslim should do (i,e. Fasting, praying etc etc ). We both can help each other to jannah.

      I'm never a fan of finding spouses online because they lie, cheat and have evil plans and they usually play with us emotionally and we somtimes fall for it. Let me tell you 2 almost similar instances, but I heard many cases as such. I've got a friend, a boy, who found the person he " loves " online, they chated almost a year. She is a unitarian, she told she never drinks nor eat pork and she'd convert to Islam as she studied it and liked it. After marriage maybe for a month or so they went along well, but then he found out that she'd hide and drink and do stuffs with friends. and never really practice islam, she would only if husband tells lol. nevertheless, they are divorced and he is happy now with a good muslimah alhamdulillah. Who knows if that man you are talking about drinks, eats etc etc.

      I strongly believe that the muslim men population is not scarce. There are really great muslims out there who can be a great spouse, and also a great role model for the kids and can be trusted if approached halal way. We just need to be patient. and Allah(SWT) will insha'Allah send the right person. For a marriage to be blessed, the process preceding the marriage should be halal, if its haram then dont complain during the later stage of the marriage.

      Anyways, If you want to still go ahead then, when he comes to India, get him (not alone, get cousins along) to meet an Imam and let the Imam evaluate him and see if he has some sort of knowledge about Islam. If He convert to Islam wholeheartedly then yea it is halal to marry him.

      My humble advice would be to use this month of ramadan to strengthen your iman, comeback to the path of Allah(SWT), stop all evil deeds, stop talking or chating with non mahram. Do lots and lots of isthigfar, ibadah, lots and lots of du'as and final ask Allah (SWT) to guide you by praying salat al isthikarra and Insha'ALlah He will help you decide about your future.

  8. Salam sister Samy,

    Thank you for coming back to us, as your first post was really brief, and now learning further about your situation, my advise to you is not to go ahead with this marriage. Marriage is one of the most important decision one can make in their life. Therefore, we have to take greater care before we make the final decision.

    Based on the following points of yours:

    but untill now jesus did not help me..

    Sister, say he inshaAllah accepts Islam but later finds out Islam is not helping him either with his situation, what is going to do? Is going to blame Allah (swt) and forget about Islam? Us Muslims we believe in predestination (Al'Qadr)- does he believe in this??? He having faith in Allah (swt) and the last Messenger Muhammad (pbuh) is not enough to make him Muslim. He must hold firm believe in the six articles of faith:

    1- One God, Allah (swt) alone;
    2. The angels of God;
    3. The books of God, especially the Qur'an;
    4. The prophets of God, especially Muhammad;
    5. The Day of Judgment (or the afterlife); and
    6. The supremacy of God's will (or predestination).

    ... He has no believe in jesus..

    Also, sister, if he decides to accept Islam then he must believe in Jesus (pbh), not as God but as one of the prophets (part of six artciles of faith in Islam). Claiming no beleive in Jesus as another Prophet will not make him Muslim. Whole heartly, he must accept the six articles of faith.

    Sister, I am not doubting his intention rather, I am doubting your decision to marry him, based on the other following reason:

    i came in contact with him through networking, we just message eachother online 3/4 times a day, we havnt seen eachother in person, just have seen photograph, no phone contacts have made yet.. Its been 7 months since we are talking online..

    Sister, even if this brother was Muslim by birth, I would say this to you: you have met this brother online. Online life is extremely different to real life (face2face). At the moment your emotions are talking, not your intellicate. Sister, before saying "yes" to this brother you both need come out of your computers and meet and talk in person- let your Wali (your parents/ gurdians) to do this for you. You have to involve your parents. You cannot meet this brother alone. Sister you have not even heard his "voice". What if you meet him and you realise that you don't like his voice, the way he sits, the way he talks to olders and youngers, his eating manners etc. So far you have found his online personality attractive, but your marriage life will be under a roof not behind the computers.

    If you want to say "yes", then please investigate (involve your family- you need their approval on this significant matter of your life) about this brother thoroughly (his Eman and Personality/ Character) before you tie the knot of marriage to him.

    May Allah (swt) make this easy for you.

    your sister, parveen.

  9. Salam..
    I truly accept to what you've written, we cant trust or judge people on internet.. I too have no trust on networking people but i have tested this guy with many examples given, my sister too was cheated online by a muslim guy from my nation, who was already married with 2 childrens.. I gave him my sisters example.. He gave his apology and said trust me, i am not the guy to cheat or play with girls heart..
    I do not know if hes honest and loyal, by words and saying no one can make out whats the truth.. Except Allah Rasool.. I have totally left upon Allah this matter, and always pray to Allah if he is true he will come, if not he will vanish..
    About the fast, he said he will keep few but not all.. As the transfusion is done every 10 days..
    Well, i am not going to recieve him alone, will take my cousin brother.. He has already applied for his indian visa..
    I must not say this, but according to me, i think no human is born pure without disease, if she/he is later they are caught up with diseases.. If it is before marriage or after.. Diseases are given by Allah.. Just one last thing to say, bad things caused to those humans who are bad with others..
    Lets see, i hope for the best..
    Thank you..

  10. Salam sister parveen.
    It is my elder sister name too.. One more sister i got..
    I thank you for you reply..
    I have to tell you that i am not going to put myself deeply involve about marriage decisions.. I have asked him to talk to my parents about it.. Hes specially coming to India after ramadan, to convert and talk to my parents.. And my parents will decide what is to be done.. Though my dad are unaware, but my mum knows that he wants to marry me.. My mum says i can only jugde him when i meet and talk to him in person..
    I do not know how true he is but he wants only my family to be the witness and do what is right according to Islam..
    For Indians, it is complusary according to law to do court marriage if you marry foreigner or Indian.. He too wants my family members to be witness for court marriage..
    I like the question about jesus you mentioned, .. Will surely ask him this..
    Thank you..

  11. Assalamualikum:
    In the name of Allah, most Supreme
    Situation is clear no need to worry about. If he is true he will come to your country. Assure that his parents accept you and if they not accept him as a Muslim what will be the way. write an agreement that he will accept Islam and never leave it, in the court.
    Let this decision on your parents to be done.
    May Allah Bless us.
    thank you.

  12. Assalamualikum:
    In the name of Allah, most Supreme
    Situation is clear no need to worry about. If he is true he will come to your country. Assure that his parents accept you and if they not accept him as a Muslim what will be the way. write an agreement that he is accepting Islam by heart and never leave it, in the court.
    Let this decision on your parents to be done.
    May Allah Bless us.
    thank you.

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