Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Long Distance Relationship rss

My boyfriend’s parents don’t approve…should we part ways?(1)

May 9, 2023

We get along really well and can have deep and meaningful discussions. But he has changed his tune since his parent’s disapproval. Should we part ways?

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Talking to fiancé…to what extent is it permissible?

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I lied that I miscarried his baby…how can I earn his forgiveness?

I lied to my ex-boyfriend, telling him that I was pregnant with his baby at one time. How can I come clean and get his forgiveness when we’re not even talking anymore?

Did my husband have an emotional affair?

Mu husband started doing therapy for his own personal reasons and he opened up to me about a girl that he met online in 2016 in a different country, and who he seems to be in love with.

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