Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Mental Illness rss

Will I die soon?(0)

March 18, 2024

I have lost the motivation to live, as I know I will eventually die.

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Family dysfunction led to my Borderline Personality Disorder

After a history of dysfunctional family and abuse in that environment, I realized that I likely have Borderline Personality Disorder. I am ashamed of this and furthermore do not have a well-paying, consistent job that would allow me to leave the family environment that is always in crisis.

Mental Health and Psychiatric Medications?

Mental health is sometimes suppressed in the Islamic community, attributing it to Shaytan, possessions, jinns, etc. But it is a reality many Muslims are facing and need information about. Let’s spread much-needed knowledge.

Did our actions count as Zina?

A few years ago, I was in a haram relationship. I have now changed and am much closer to religion Alhamdullilah, but I worry that if I’m not a virgin, it reduces my status as a woman…It would make me feel so guilty.

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