Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Please suggest me the best way to donate money to charity earned by my late wife?

Man donating money

Money donations

Assalamu alaykum,

Brothers and sister,

I'm Shams who had posted ( last month.

Thank you all for all the prayer and dua's for my late wife and my family.

My kid is doing fine. Me and my family are slowly recovering from the lose.

I plan to do charity from the money that was earned by my late wife. Please suggest me better way to do it.

Also i would like to know if my wife would get SAWABE from this charity as this is her hard earned money.


Assalamu alaykum







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3 Responses »


    The best way to give charity is building a masjid, madrasah (schools for arabic learning), or for those kids that are needy no parents... or even closed family that are needy most. MAY ALLAH BLESS THE SOUL OF YOUR LATE WIFE AMEN...

  2. Salaams,

    I'm sorry that I really don't know enough about charitable giving in the manner you've described to answer your question. However, I just wanted to say that I am glad to hear that you and your family are doing better. I know you had a sudden lost and it's been very difficult, so I think that what you intend to do will help you heal just a little bit more. My prayers are with you; may Allah continue to ease you as you most need.

    -Amy Editor

  3. Brother Shams, As-salamu alaykum,

    I just read your previous post, which I had not seen before. I agree with those who said that you are not responsible for your wife's death. The time of our death is ordained by Allah, and is written at the time of our birth. Nothing you said could have affected it.

    I'm glad to hear that you are recovering, Alhamdulillah. Of course it will take time.

    I think that sponsoring an orphan is an excellent thing to do. The Muslim world is full of orphans as a result of war, natural disasters or other problems. To care for an orphan is one of the greatest things a Muslim can do.

    Of course you should make sure that you and your son are provided for. It's okay to spend your late wife's money on your family's basic needs. Charity begins at home, as they say.

    Wael Editor

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