Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Dua to clear the mis-understanding between me and the man whom I want to marry.

Muslim woman praying, saying dua' in Masjid


My name is Ayesha and I am a Muslim girl. My problem is that I love a guy and he loves me too and is ready to marry me and has spoken to my family. But due to some misunderstanding he doesn't talk to me anymore. I wanted to know that if there is a dua that I can make to make to soften his heart and full of  love for me so that he call and talk to me. Insha Allah I am sure that you all will help me and tell me the dua that I need so badly right now.

Allah Hafiz.

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2 Responses »

  1. Salaam Nilo.

    I am sorry to say to the best of my knowledge, there is no dua like that. Duas are not like a magic trick which controls others thoughts, feelings and decisions. Please read this link.

    If you are both not married it would be haraam for you to be talking to him unecessarily without family present. My advice to you is in the presence of your family or at the very least a third person - contact him and try to apologise and clear the misunderstanding. Be sincere and apologetic. All you can do is try your best, if he still refuses to talk to you there is nothing you can do. By all means ask Allah to soften his heart or at least to forgive you. But I think a better dua would be to ask Allah to give you both whats best for you and if this guy is not good for you, then remove the love in your heart for him quickly.

    Turn to Allah, trust in Him and try your best to rectify, but we are humans we must accept that we cannot force others to change their decison.

    Sara Editor

  2. Sister Ayesha, wa alaykum as-salam,

    Since you say the guy already loves you, why don't you speak to him to clear up the misunderstanding (maybe through a family member as Sara suggested)? If he is a kind-hearted and reasonable person then he should listen to you and understand.

    If he is a hard-hearted and judgmental person who will not listen to reason, then you are better off without him anyway.

    And as Sara said, make dua' to Allah to give you a kind, loving partner, whoever it may be.

    Wael Editor

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