Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Is Mysha a valid Muslim name?

We have had a baby girl about 2 wks ago and have already done her akika under the name Mysha. We did seek advise of a Molvi prior who said it was a good name but who then said he had misunderstood the name and thought we had said Maysa and that he had not heard of Mysha.

Could you please advise if Mysha or Myiesha is a valid muslim name?

- Billie

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3 Responses »

  1. asalaam alaikum, I am not a hundred percent sure, but i just thot id tell u that my cuzin has named her daughter the same name so im thinking it probably myt b ok. ..

    the maulvi saab was probably just sayin, so dnt take it to heart, though you then should have confirmed it with him about the name mysha being valid or not.. also, if he heard Maysa, wouldnt that mean that he did the hakika under the name of Maysa and not Mysha?? and u may be stressing for nothingand ur daughter may b actualy called Maysa! 🙂 ... ask the maulvi what he did to b clear..

    check with islamic name sites if it is getting to u..

    Hudafiz!! hope that helped!!lol

  2. I,m a Hindu. Can I name my daughter as mysha

  3. Mysha is an islamic name found in the quran as ma-eesha, but can also be pronounced meesha. It means happy for entire life, or the good hapoy parts of life deriving from the name Aaisha, meaning life.

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