Tag Archive for ‘adultery’

Jinn possession has caused my wife to commit adultery.
Should I divorce my wife? She was unresponsive to Ruqyah and I don’t know what other options I have at this point.

My husband watches my mother sleep but says it’s magic!
My husband has betrayed my trust with a very shameful behavior…how can I go on knowing he does this?

Mom is having an affair, Dad says we should suicide
I discovered that my mom is having an affair. My dad says that we should suicide if the society finds about it.

I am guilty of adultery but my husband doesn’t know
I committed adultery in a weak moment. I’ve read that we shouldn’t expose our sins but I’m so afraid that they might come to light somehow.

My wife has committed Zina during Iddah but wants me back
We mutually divorced on paper. Now she wants to come back to me but confessed that she has committed Zina with a married man. I’m confused as to what to do.

I’m so ashamed of having relations with this man
When we started chatting, I got to know that he is already married with two kids. I know I allowed myself to be used. Whenever I get free time I start to miss him and have to keep repeating astagfirullah to calm myself.

I love my husband, but I cheated on him
I have been EXTREMELY happily married for 14 years, and have 2 children. We have been the kind of mushy couple that is always asked if we’re honeymooners. We are best friends! But I recently cheated on my husband. I didn’t get any satisfaction out of it, it was purely for the other person.

I cheated and now my wife doesn´t trust me, even though I have changed
Even though I have changed myself and ready to give in to everything that my wife wants, still she feels that she is the lone one suffering in this marriage. I have done and want to do everything to make her feel good and positive about our relationship but it’s somehow never enough, and the reason is because of what has happened. I can’t go in the past and redo it.

My father is cheating on my mother
I’ve been wanting to confront my dad about it, but I’m scared he’ll cut me off (won’t give me any money, kick me out the house etc). My dad has a very big ego and I feel like confronting him with the truth will make him angrier. I don’t want this to ruin my family. I’ve been dealing with this for 2-3 years, and been in denial.