Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘alcohol’

Revert husband not willing to practise Islam

My husband was Sikh and has revert to Islam. The reason he revert was to get married to me. His parents do not know he revert to Islam or else they will disown him. I asked him to get rid of the Alcohol that is in the house and the picture of the Sikh god because we are muslims. He replied back saying the alcohol and picture is for his parents that are Sikh and his dad can have this if they come round.

In-laws not returning my jewelry after divorce

I got married in 2001, I soon found that my husband was a A-class drug and alcohol addict who would often hit me. However I did not want to give up and for 6 years I tried everything to help him. During this time he stole from me and beat me alot. I was the sole breadwinner he did not work and then in ramadan 2007 one day I came back from work and he was drunk and started hitting me. I begged him to stop as I was fasting but he did not.

Married at 11 to a 21 year old, who left me when I was 18

Salam. It is really hard for me to explain what has happened in my life since the age of 11, as I have never explained to anyone what I have been through before, but for you brothers and sisters giving me Islamic advice you need to understand the complexities of what i have experienced in my life from a young age. At the age of 11 when I was finishing primary school, my father brought a man into the house who was a Christian at the age of 21. My dad loves me more than anything in life, however during this introduction this man proclaimed that he had fallen in love with me and wanted to marry me regardless of my age, race and culture, as I am half Pakistani.

I just found out that my brother is gay and I can’t handle it

I have recently found out that my brother is practicing homosexuality and started to drink alcohol. This was very devastating for me. I could not believe what I found out. I can’t explain what I am going through, all sorts of emotions are there, anger, fear, break of trust, feeling worthless, the hard work of bringing him up and then him going down the drain, hopeless, you name it and I am feeling it.

I want him to change

I am a 23 year old girl and needed advice on marriage. I have known a boy for about 3 years and we wanted to get married. (we didn’t meet and do haraam things, but only spoke on the phone, to get to know each other). But he smokes, drinks and goes out clubbing and I don’t. I do love him and want to be with him, however I want him to change.

My husband drinks alcohol

Hi, I’m an Indian married to a Pakistani. I converted to a Muslim, we have been married 5 years but I never felt one day that mine and my husband’s relationship would feel this way – like its dead. I think he is just using me to get his permanent stay. I feel so sad sometimes, I cry most of the time. We have a daughter aged 3 years, I think he is planing to kidnap her from me soon as he gets his permanent visa.

My husband drinks, abuses me and doesn’t support the kids

I’m a mother of 3 and I been married for 4 years. Me and my husband are Muslims Alhamdulilah. For the past year he has been drinking and abusing me. He doesn’t provide food for the kids, my family have been supporting me for almost 2 years and they wont approve a divorce.

But I really sick and tired of being scared of him and him drinking around the kids.

I have tortured an animal and I am sick

One night i smoked 4 grams of marijuana and ate an ounce of mushrooms until i was hallucinating to the point of no return. i couldn’t see chairs or tables. It was like walking in the dark. I came upon two mice that were caught on a trap. I took needles and filled them up with alcohol and injected them to the 2 mice i continued to do this until the mice died. After sobering up i was disgusted and horrified at what i did. i cant get the image off my mind what should i do?

My husband wants me to drink and do drugs

I am 27 years old and married to my husband for two years. We are the same age. We have two children. When my husband and when we met I lied to him and told him that I was a virgin and had never drank alcohol or done drugs. I lied because I did not want him to judge me for my past because by that point I had truely changed and wanted to live an Islamic life free of disgusting sins.