Tag Archive for ‘boundaries’

My husband’s ex-wife wont leave us alone!
I know they will take pictures of our baby, and the lady will send it straight to his ex, so I did tell my husband I would ask them not to, and also tell them the reason why. My husband said it’s not right, but I could do what I think is best.

Do I have to be friendly to my child’s father’s family?
When I bring my daughter over, they invite me to come inside. I truly want to leave their home because in my heart. I’m still hurt and I cant even smile be happy when I’m there. I feel like it might be rude to just drop off my daughter and leave. Is it wrong for me to do that ?

Coping after divorce
I wanted to continue working on the marriage so it’s really difficult for me to accept it ended, despite how bad it was and how bad it got, I still wanted to try my best.

Is this acceptable? Can my repentence be accepted?
We both make dua for marriage and his mom does too… I already asked many people and they said it was okay to stay friends if we don’t flirt or talk about anything bad or be alone or do any of the haram things…?

How should his ex act around him?
His ex wife has also put me in a tight spot. She told me things about when she married to him- how his acts with her were. She told me she only married him at that time to get out of the house. She also revealed to me that she never wanted to be a mother at a young age, and she kept telling me he is like his father who I do not know.

Relationship with a non-Muslim man for 5 years but he questions Islam.
I have always done everything “right” in life… He doesn’t think the same as my other Muslim male friends. When I think of him and Islam, I flinch. I know I can’t change some of his views, but I know he will be a Muslim someday.

How to be a good son, husband and Muslim?
My mother hates my wife and always complains that I am a bad son. She complained that I only call her once a week, so I increased it to daily, but she still complained, so now I call her several times per day.

Setting boundaries with husband and expecting acceptance
I feel my husband doesn’t trust me to allow me a break and I shouldn’t be with him. I’ve never cheated on him during our relationship and even gave up talking to friends (including my best friend) to please him. But the more I give up, the more he wants out of me. I also feel that I shouldn’t have to tolerate and accept his behavior, and the kids shouldn’t have to see that.

My husband does everything for his brother’s wife
am starting to feel like his sister-in-law doesn’t respect our marriage and she feels it’s ok to have my husband out at 1 am with her kids and her doing grocery shopping while I am alone at home and her husband is at his business which is open 24 hours. I don’t understand why she would not tell my husband it’s ok that she can do groceries with her husband the following day?

I’m fed up with my husband’s unemployment and abusive family
I’m a 30-year-old woman with a 2-year-old child and inshallah 1 on the way. I’ve been married for almost 3 years now and living with my in-laws.
My husband worked in the first year and then stopped working due to a lack of work from his employers. He never bothered and tried to look for work after that. My father-in-law sold his business and gambled most of the money. So they were also left with no income.