Tag Archive for ‘deceived’
My wife continues to be promiscuous after deceiving me
My question is: how can any girl let a random guy touch her? I have heard girls get comfortable only when they know a guy for a long time, but she has allowed one of her friends to barge inside her house, went to a hotel with another, etc.
When to stop making same dua over and over?
Please someone help me I’m heart broken I cry every night and all throughout the day.
Wife lied to my family to get Nikahfied
I am looking to get some advice on whether I should continue this relationship namely to proceed with a rukhsati or divorce her.
Husband has wanted second wife
Is there any way to give up the pain he has caused me from all the lying?
Deception has shaken our marriage – what should I do?
Recently he told me that he has a daughter looking for him. His whole family knew and kept it secret from me for years. I feel absolutely betrayed and heart broken.
Fabrication of lies before marriage
Was this the punishment of any sins of mine that I got a wife of totally different civil status from what I desired?
Betrayed by my husband and my friend
She’s been living with us for 3 years. She’s now pregnant and went to her country to give birth there. He told me about everything after she left.
I don’t find her attractive
Deep down I know that divorce should really be the last resort but can anyone in light of what I have disclosed advise me?