Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘employment’

Afraid to keep the baby

I keep asking myself is it worth it to terminate my pregnancy for this job? I’m very afraid.

Istikhara Dream Interpretation

I did istikhara and had a vivid dream.

Non muslim maid for muslim woman

My mother is aged and very ill. We want someone to be 24/7 with her. Can a Christian woman take care of her?

Answer of istakhara

I want to know the answer of istakhara that I requested my aunty. She is very religious woman.

The Worst Time Being A Brown South Asian Muslim Man

The future is pretty dark for guys like me.

Halal Job?

Are these jobs halal?

Is there any wazaifs I can recite or foods I can eat to increase knowledge and brain power?

I seem to be struggling with remembering some basic knowledge.

Can evil eye make a person lose his job?

Is it possible for a person to loose his job due to evil eye from some one. And also not to find a new one job due to evil eye? amirriaz

Lots of problem since leaving university

Even though I pray my namaz, make duaa and do what I can… I still feel like no-one understands what I’m going through, depressed, lonely and that everyone is doing better than me.

I don’t feel things will get better

You would think your partner would be the first to support you when you share something with him, but he doesn’t support me at all…