Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘no intimacy’

I don’t want to be with my husband

We do not hug or kiss it has been 4 months since we married and we have not consumated our marriage.

25 year old wife, I need help

Is there any other sister dealing with this?

No intimacy with wife

We have been intimate during the pregnancy but she was the one who initiated it. I have been very close to her during the pregnancy but not affectionate enough.

Should I divorce or stay in this marriage?

My father knows a bit about our difficulties and suggests we separate not divorce. I am worried that wont solve my problems as I am now at the end of my tether.

Two years of marriage going downhill – what do I do?

I feel as though I’ve ruined my life…

Depressed Married Life

Though we have everything stable in our lives, I do not have the peace of mind when I am with my wife.

My husband has a porn addiction

Our whole life together he lead this double life… he would stay up at night saying he’s working he would turn me away all because he was addicted to porn…

My husband isn’t happy and I’m not either.

This marriage started out ok but is just deteriorating more and more with every passing day.

This relationship is toxic

I have been patient for 2 years. What I say doesn’t work.

Istikhara meaning and interpretation

From the very beginning I have been having problems with my husband. We just don’t have the love between us.