Tag Archive for ‘suicidal thoughts’

Father sexually abuses me, mother will not help
My dad is sexually abusing me when I was in class seventh. Actually when he did these I don’t what is happening and what he doing. But now after 1 year I know what he did or what he doing that is totally wrong.

Does Allah love me? Am I special to Him?
does allah love me or am i special to him? im trying my best to live. sometimes i take the knife to kill my self but then i be scared of feeling pain.

My pornography addiction is haunting me
I am addicted to pornography and I’ve been trying to stop for years, to no avail. I don’t feel like living at this point. Does Allah dislike me, and what can I do to stop and recover?

I’m so ashamed of having relations with this man
When we started chatting, I got to know that he is already married with two kids. I know I allowed myself to be used. Whenever I get free time I start to miss him and have to keep repeating astagfirullah to calm myself.

**I stopped practicing Islam and I plan suicide if things don’t improve**
I am from an abusive home….I give myself two weeks to gather courage to move out and get myself together, and if I can’t gather the courage, then I’m going to remove myself and cease to exist

I’m sexually frustrated but my parents are delaying my marriage
I’m sexually very, very frustrated and have suicidal thoughts. Is it right for a parent to prevent marriage when seeing their child in this condition?

Forced nikah and now I feel suicidal
To me I’d rather die than live with him. No amount of time will heal that. I don’t want to be raped by him and I think to end this will help us both move on with our lives quicker.

I am not Muslim, but I need your prayers
I have been feeling pretty low about my life, things that I cannot change, and I sometimes feel suicidal. I’m not spilling my woes here, because I know there is no solution.

Suffering from mental illness
If I fail exams I will commit suicide… I’m suffering from schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

My husband left me for a Hindu girl, Allah hates me
I had offered salatul istakhara for my marriage and only after Allah gave me a positive answer i got married but in a few years my husband married a hindu girl instead and left me to die . Why did Allah misguide me?