Islamic marriage advice and family advice

I don’t have friends, just came to USA

muslim christian best friends

I'm a muslim girl. I just came to the USA, and I have a big proplem. I don't have friends. I don't know anything here. Please, if  anyone wants to be friends, let me know. Also, I can't speak english very well, so if there are arabic friends...or it's ok if you speak english, then I'll learn from you how to speak better.


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5 Responses »

  1. I just want to say to you sister that although I don't know you or where you live, I will make dua for you. Please do so, especially in the middle of the night. Go to the nearest masjid, you'll find Muslims of all colors and Insha Allah they will be able to help you. Muslims are all brothers and sisters, so I pray that you find the support, kindness, and help that you need. Remember, Allah is Al-Razzaq (the Provider).

    From a caring Muslim sister,


  2. AsSalamu Alaikum Sister, There are masjid all over the U.S. with programs for youth brothers and sisters as well as Adult /young adult Sisters' Halaqa. This is where you will meet some good friends InshaAllah. Tell your mom to also join the Sisters Halaqa in the masjid. I'm an American revert in U.S. and try to visit masajid in all cities I attend. I always find that sisters are so warm and welcoming in the U.S. They are from so many different countries and also the number of Christian reverts who attend Halaqa are rising! It's always very nice Sis, don't be shy or afraid to join them. Let me tell you that as a woman, a sister wearing hijab for 3 years, I've never been discriminated against Alhamdulillah. Don't be shy to embrace Islam in America!! May Allah help you to make many new Muslim friends! Ameen!

    • assalamualaikum sister,
      Welcome to the USA first of all. Depending on where you live, there should be a decent number of masjids or muslim communities. If you live in NYC or close to it such as upstate or new jersey , then that is great for you since there are a lot of masjids and muslim communities. I agree with the other posts. It will be a little difficult for you since you are new here but you will get the hang of it inshAllah. I will make Dua for you that Allah helps you make new friends Muslim and non-Muslim alike who will make you feel better, comfortable and be a good influence to you!! And there is always muslim sites like this to help you feel comfortable and give you advice. And I am certain many sisters in this site will become your friend. 😀

  3. Assalaamualaikam

    I hope you enjoy your stay in the USA, inshaAllah, and are able to make pious friends of good character.

    It can seem scary when you need to start making friends and finding places to go - but once you get started, things will seem much simpler, inshaAllah.

    Keep making dua. Ask Allah to guide you to people who will be good friends. Remember that He will have a plan for you, and trust in Him to know what will be best for you.

    You might be able to find places near you where you can meet practising sisters. If you are at a school or college, look to see if there is an Islamic society (a lot of colleges have these - and they can be a good place to find friends who have interests in common with you). Also, look online to see where the local mosque and community centre are, and find out what events or classes are available there. For example, there may be Islamic studies classes, or volunteering opportunities, or English language classes.

    Make sure that when you are making friends, this is within Islamic limits. So, sisters only, observe proper limits (eg. check that brothers and sisters will be sitting separately), and don't do anything you feel uncomfortable with. If someone asks you to do something un-Islamic (like "come to a pub" or "come out to a nightclub"), politely but firmly say no.

    May Allah guide you and help you find friends who will help you grow closer to Him.

    Midnightmoon editor

  4. Salam Aleykoum Sister,
    Welcome to the USA and may Allah (S.W) assist you in this new journey.
    For many reasons (safety mainly), I believe the administrators do not allow exchange of personal contacts. I would advise you to reach out to the Muslim Students' Association at your school or attend Halaqa at the majid.
    6 years ago I moved to the United States and lived in a small city and because I did not know how to drive, and there were no public transportation accessible, I did not realized how beautiful the Muslim community truly is. Once I was able to drive to the Mosque, I would not want to leave the Mosque. People were so warm. MashAllah.
    Few months ago, I moved to another city, a bigger one and I did not know we had a Muslim Students Association (MSA) and one day as I was walking down a hallway. I heard people praying, I looked all around and saw there was a Masalah on campus and also a MSA. I found their Facebook page and there were a lot of events held, which was Al hamduliahi a blessin. I didn't have friends but the sisters were so nice. One day I went to the Masalah to pray and was approached by a sister. Throughout the discussion, I learned she also lived in the city where I lived for 4 years but by the time i started driving and attending the Mosque, she had already swtitched cities.
    Sorry for narrating the story of my life. I just want to let you know that the Muslim community is amazing and there are amazing opportunities to meet sisters and make new friends. Seize the opportunity, look for a MSA, for Halaqas near you. I don't know where you live but Muslims are everywhere .

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