Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Ghusl rss

My prayer was invalid, but time ran out before I could redo it.(1)

March 1, 2023

I have been worried about and missing my prayers due to a fear of impurity. It’s either urine incontinence, discharge, or waswas.

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How do I repent properly for the “secret habit?”

I’m 16 and discovered “the secret habit” when I was around 7. I didn’t use to do ghusl afterwards. Do I have to repeat all my prayers and fast from that time?

Constant fear of my prayers being invalid due to impurity

It is exhausting to do ghusl 5 times a day especially since it is winter and snowy where I live now and it damages my hair and skin.

Ghusl after injury

The doctor put a bandage on my head and told me that the stitches are not to be tampered with. I am confused, how to take a ghusl?

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