My husband and mother chat negatively about me behind my back(1)
September 6, 2023
His family was into black magic, amulets, and wazifas. I filed for Khula. My family took my phone and laptop, and beat and abused me but I had no other choice. My mom and husband then chatted about me constantly behind my back.
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He has changed to align with Islam but my father doesn’t trust him
I’ve thought of leaving him but I really love him. He is willing to change but how can he prove it to my dad?

I chose my girl over Allah and am having a crisis of faith
Allah is most merciful, I thought he’ll let it work out and, I wouldn’t have to lose my Lord nor my love. But in the end, I lost both.

I think I am committing shirk, I’ve become an addict too
I’ve tried praying salah. Every time I pray, something bad happens, or I get very lazy and I hear voices in my head. I listen to Quran with headphones sometimes, but lately I’m in a very bad mood. I’m angry that I can’t leave this relationship and save myself.