Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Do I need to change my name once I convert to Islam?

Book of Muslim names

Book of Muslim names

Hi, my name is Kevin and I was raised christian and but i felt like it wasent the right religion. Im in the process of learning about Islam, i still dont know a lot but I am looking to convert in the near future and would like some help on wether I should change my name or not, and what would be a suitable muslim name if so. I know it is required to change ones name if it has a bad meaning and at this time its not possible for me to officially change my name but Id still like to have a muslim nickname.

The reason im asking is because different sites give different meanings and from what i can see is Kevin means "kind, honest, handsome" and  "birth". But the problem is that  "It is believed that Saint Kevin was the one who popularized the name, although Kevin is not a biblical name." This is what im afraid of, my name having to do with a saint and christianity... Please clearify this for me.

Thank you,


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8 Responses »

  1. As Salamualaikum Kevin,

    I welcome you to Islam, the Only Religion acceptable with The Only True God.

    Changing one's name isn't necessary if it does not refer to a polytheistic figure. If saint Kevin was worshipped, then you should probably change your name. Otherwise, it is fine in sha Allah (If Allah Wills). And Allah Knows Best.

    To make it more easy, consider Saint John. John was the name of a Prophet of Allah. We call him Yahya May Peace be upon him.

    Muhammad Waseem Editor

  2. Salaams,

    Kevin is an English derivative of an Irish name, which the saint (in catholicism) you referenced happened to be named. Because of the roots of the name, there might not be an exact Arabic equivalent like John/Yahya. However, there are names in Arabic which capture the attributes you mentioned- kindness, honesty, handsomeness.

    When it comes to choosing a Muslim nickname for yourself, truly you can choose anything that speaks to you. There are many converts who don't change their name legally for particular reasons, but there are also some who do. You are not wrong in either regard.

    As you can see, I still go by my given name "Amy", but when I'm with other Muslims I go by "Jamylah" (however I spelled it this particular way to keep my given name as a part of it, because I like the sound and the meaning of it as well!).

    -Amy Editor

  3. Masha'Allah sister Amy simply and beautifully put," Allahu Akbar" brother Kevin so happy fort you Masha'Allah may Allah always bless you,

  4. im not sure if u should change ur name or not, as i dont know the meaning of it, but if u are going to change ur name then i think Muhammad will be really nice 🙂

    u say u are still looking into islam, i pray that u soon find all the answers u need and embrace it, because it really is a beautiful religion and the truth. this website might help u ... 😉 its wonderful

    take care, wish u all the best

  5. Wa-alaykum as-salaam,

    Thank you everyone for your answers and support, I look forward to hearing from you again when I have more questions!

  6. Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

    This translation employs a bit of old English but I'm sure you'll get the idea.

    The Messenger of Allah Muhammad (saw) said, "O Wabisah! are you come to ask what is (Al-Birr) righteouness and what is badness?" Wabisah said, "Yes, I am come for that." Then he(saw) joined his fingers and struck them upon Wabisah's breast, that made a sign towards his heart, and said, "Ask the question from thine own heart." This he(saw) repeated three times aloud and said, "Al-Birr/Righteousness is a thing from which thy heart findeth firmness and rest; and badness is a thing which throweth thee into doubt, although men may acquit thee."

    So do whatever feels comfortable and easy.

    Read last ayah of Surah 22
    When the Prophet sent his Companions Mu'adh and Abu Musa to teach Islam to the people of Yemen, he gave them the following advice: 'Facilitate [religious matters to people] and do not make [things] difficult. Obey each other and do not differ [amongst yourselves].' (Bukhari & Muslim).

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