Islamic marriage advice and family advice

How can a revert Muslim search for a spouse?

I am mariyam from India.

spouse search

I accepted Islam in 2009.

I dont know how to search for a muslim boy for marriage as I'm from a hindu family.

- mariyam04

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26 Responses »

  1. Dear Sister, Asalaamualaykum

    Congratulations on accepting Islam. I can understand that things must be difficult for you if you do not have a support network as a new comer to Islam. There are some oranisations like IERA that are trying to build networks for revert sisters like yourselves; however they are a new organisation in the UK, so I do not know if they are in India yet.

    To look for a spouse, you can join matrimonial websites and marriage bureaus at Masjids. But first you must approach a good Muslim network/Masjid near to you so you can make some good female friends. If you have a good Muslim friend, maybe her father could act as your Wali or perhaps your friends can help you find a qualified Imam. Having this strong network will give you personal protection and you will feel less vulnerable. They can accompany you to see potential spouses, research in to the background of the potentials and just generally look out for you.

    I appreciate it is not easy to look for a spouse alone, but build on your network and inshaAllah they will help you. Also be careful to ensure that you observe Islamic etiquettes when seeking out potentials.

    Keep making dua for Allah to make this task easy for you.

    SisterZ Editor

  2. Mariyam, As-salamu alaykum,

    I suggest contacting some Muslim convert organizations in India. They may be able to assist you. I don't have specific contact info for such organizations. There was a question asked about this some time ago:

    Muslim Convert Organizations in India?

    I just emailed bother Aaqib and asked him to add some info on that page.

    Wael Editor

  3. Salaam sister,

    Many congratulations on accepting Islam, I myself is an Indian and will definitely try to find some organization to help you with your marriage, in mean time you try to make some Muslim friends at your place and try to talk to them and I will write here the details as soon as find.

    May Allah provide you with best man Ameen............ Allah Hafiz........... 🙂

  4. assalamualaikum sister. .

    Can i know from which place in India are you from?

    I do not know if i can help u in this or not; But if you are from Bangalore i can try asking my friends if they know any place here where you can get help. .

  5. Assalaam Alaikum,

    It is very happy to hear that you reverted to islam mashallah and may Allah help us all to be in the straight path. Please let me know about your details so that i can help you. .


    • Shariff, Walaykumsalaam,

      The email address that you attempted to hide in your comment has been deleted. If you want to give advice to this person, please give it here publicly on the site.

      SisterZ Editor

  6. Assalam alaikum Mariyum,

    Congradulations on accepting Islam.

    I myself accepted Islam on 2010, If you are in bangalore then you can try organization called DIET, Its a dawah centre and there you will surely find reverts. They will help you out. If you want specific number then i can get the authorized persons no.

    I am 23 now and if u r willling to wait 2 year then i might be a candidate for you.

  7. Assalamualikum,

    My name is Maryam Areeba Natarajan from Bangalore. I accepted Islam in October 2010. Unable to find a suitable match for marriage. I am 37 yrs old media professional.

    Can anyone help.

    Allah hafiz,

    • Sister, you can try one of the online Muslim matrimonial services, like,,, etc.

      Wael Editor

  8. salam all.
    Congrats to maryam nd all reverts.i am a guy frm kerala.i watch all islamic lectures on youtube.and videos in which ppl accept islam makes me feel so overwhelming.i love nd resect all reverts.i think they r brave,inteligent,and blessed.i myself would love to marry a revert and thats how i got up here.the problem is i am stil a student 🙁 .and i am young but i dnt think age wud be a problem as our prophet(s) had a big age difrence with ghadeeja(r).if u wana get to know more abt me pls get my id from the site's admn as they dnt allow id sharing.
    The org 'discover islam' at b'lore wil help u,and u can use the site ' .they hav a section for reverts.

    • Shamim,

      This is not a matrimonial website. You may spouse search by joining various matrimonial websites, such as, PureMatrimony etc.

      SisterZ Editor

  9. Assalamualikum,
    I am a Hindu and I would like to know about your story .
    Something is stopping me from accepting Islam.
    Pls help me.

  10. Asalamu alaikum,

    first of all i thank allah swt for his great mercy on you that made u a muslim.. even i reverted to islam by 2011.. i hope you must have married by now. if not my suggestion is, find a born muslim to marry so that it would be more helpful to learn so many things.. but be very particular about their view on islam. so many born muslims are much much care less on deen. yes they love islam, they know the truth, but there are ppl who worship in darga, there are ppl called shia and etc.. we are very clear islam is truth, but there are so many confutions made inside islam by born muslims. so be very carefull with that and find a good scholor and follow him, if you can keep in touch with good organization.. and pray to allah swt for yourself, for me and for the entire ummah.. asalamu alaikum.

  11. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

    Glad to see reverts here. I myself im a revert aged 24 looking for my man in sha Allah.
    There are islamic organisations in bangalore and kerala has many but getting profiles is not that easy but biiznillah should get one.anyone knows any revert or raised muslim to marry a revert pls ping here. JazakumAllahu khairan

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