My iman stays only till the month of ramzan after that im back 2 bad deeds
I am a practising muslim but during the month of ramdhan I pray 5 times and also tarahvi. But whem ramzan is complete, I don't pray and return to my bad deeds (the worst being watching porn and masturbating).
Plz bro and sis I need guidance that even after ramzan I don't do bad deeds.
Salam waliakum
- Al-bahjah
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Dont be upset...InshahAllah you would be the best one among us as you realize your problem and definitely wants to kick off shaytan....
Dear read Tasbeeh of Aouz Billah e Minashaytan ir rajeem and Astagfirullah.....InshahAllah you would see the positive results...Just dont panic about your bad are a human and humans commit mistakes....
try not to watch porn....try to watch Tv with your family or do something else rather than this....I can understand this problem its just a common one and most of the people due to eagarness and curiosity watch it most of the time and enjoy it....rather its nothing more than an enjoyment of 2 minutes but really spoils your mind....If you are frustrated than just Listen...That.....One day you would be married too and would have a family too....You would definitely enjoy your time with your wife so have Patience.....People who are frustrated means they want to enjoy the stuff before time but trust me you would get a Big Zero in your heart and just stay away....
Prayers are mandatory so try to adopt them.......and you have too and trust me you can......
My Prayers are with you....May Allah help you and guide you...
is porn a problem in the usa!
Salaam brother, your problem is common and many youth dont deal with it at all, this will most definetly cause problems in later married life.
I will begin by saying, by the time you reach the end you will be in a position to quit these habits inshaAllah, the month of ramadan mubarak is a blessed one, and most muslims perfect their deen and leave their bad habits, its treated as a 'clean month' however while we should understand that ramadan mubarak is special and different from the other months, it dosent suffice us picking up the bad habits again on eid day and so on till the following year, we should try to stay on the deen and carry on our good work, and not drop the good habits first sight of eid moon, but shaytan loves nothing more than for him to get a good homecoming on eid day, and he is never disappointed, but its not hard to change.
Porn and masturbating, seems so fun at the time and you enjoy it, but brother i give you example, when you watch porn you feel excited and this leads onto masturbation for you to reach the peak of that excitement, however when you go to the masjid on friday you will also feel excitement but of a different type, this will almost feel like your heart has lifted up, and this feeling is great, in my life i have had many worries, but on the day of jummah i always am happy, this is thanks to Allah (swt) and his blessings upon the ummah.
Porn is filth and dirt, but as shaytan said ' i will make wrong, fair seeming to them' you accept it as entertainment, however you must consider this, a woman is a blessing in islam, however modesty is also very important, when you watch porn you see many women in a indecent matter, you enjoy this, however your being unfaithful to your future wife, because you should only ever see her in such a manner, and so when you do get married, you have a certain expectation and this wont be filled, Why? because porn is artificial and your wife will be real, and they are non-comparable, and what happens next is that you resort to masturbation in marriage to fulfil your needs because of this 'expectation', not only hurting your wife emotionally and mentally but comitting a major sin its happening alot recently and its evident on this sites many questions, furthermore you are seeking excitement from a screen, you cant touch, feel, be heard, you just watch, now read that again and change the watching to eating grass and your the same as a animal, Allah gave us a brain to see and understand, its time to do just that, my brother your having sex with a screen by masturbating and watching porn, thats a artificial source of excitement and will destroy your future marriage, because i gurantee your wife wont be able to compete with porn, because it is artificial, your brain will give you 'expectations' and your wife wont meet them because its impossible to match a artifical image because you re-create it in your mind many times and you make it perfect, and in reality you end up dissappointed and will hurt your wifes feelings, see how your impacting your future life by doing this, you need to stop before you become same as a animal and as it grazes you seek enjoyment from artificial means.
what you must realise is that artificail life will never benefit you, you watched cartoons as a kid, but what help did they give you except entertainment, same with porn only it has a negative impact on you, and as described above your will end up masturbating and watching porn in marriage to fulfil your desires, so the questions is how to stop and it takes belief and strength from you, Allah is the greatest and all forgiving, so you must take the right steps to inshaAllah be forgiven and break this bad habit.
First thing is to stop watching porn, block the sites with a password you make up and cant remember, like random digits but choose any and dont write down, that way when you desire and try to unblock the site your attempts will be in vain, it is the porn that kickstarts the masturbation and so cut the fuel and the flame runs out.
Always try to stay in wuzu, that way influence o shaytan is limited and you can focus more, if you struggle with this, then start fasting and supress your desires in that way, and always read namaaz, the blessing and feeling of namaaz will elevate you above your desires and take you into a ibaadat state, from this you can read the quran and your focus will slowly move away from the haraam.
In some cases you are highly sexually charged and in excitement, in such case i suggest a old remedy from a teacher of mine, pour cold water over your private parts and your desires will be dead, this will reduce the blood flow and the state of excitement will dissappear, another thing to do is listen to tilawat and nasheeds, many songs these days promote sex and such activities, your subliminal takes note of this and you are aroused with even a slight cue of a sexual nature, so be careful to what you listen to aswell.
My advice is in requirment of you to stay strong, keep praying and have faith in Allah, and brother i have faith in you that you will think of your future, and you will think how foolish you have been and you will refrain from such things in the future and get into the excitement that islam and activities to please Allah bring inshaAllah.
Hope i answered your question, if you dont understand anything, please ask and i will be happy to explain.
Im assuming your a male, but do forgive me if you are female, however advice does not change either way.