Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Seeking advice about Vitiligo

Vitiligo is a condition where skin loses its pigmentation - white patches appear on the skin

Vitiligo is a condition where skin loses its pigmentation - white patches appear on the skin


I'am from India and I have segmental Vitiligo, Please suggest me what can be done to cure Vitiligo...

Thank you.


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3 Responses »

  1. asalamu alaikum,

    i would advise you to visit your doctor. he will refer you to a skin speacialist. treatment will help. so dont delay, and visit your doc soon as possible.

    ma salama..

  2. Sister,

    Vitiligo is an autoimmune condition, and what that means is that for some reason your own body's immune system decides that the pigment forming cells that give your skin color don't belong to you and they attack it.

    Although there is no known cure for Vitiligo, there are some treatments available that a good dermatologist can talk with you about that might help you.


  3. Assalaamualaikam

    There are treatments available to help reduce the effects of vitiligo, although the condition itself isn't currently able to be cured (to my knowledge). It's important to make sure you are in contact with a reputable dermatologist (a doctor who specialises in treating skin conditions) - treatment options might include:
    - medicated creams to apply to the skin (eg. with corticosteroids in to reduce inflammation and reduce the damage to the pigment cells in the skin),
    - phototherapy (treating the skin with special types of light),
    - oral medication to control the immune system's responses,
    - camouflage make-up to cover and hide the affected areas.

    There are lots of products that claim to be able to somehow cure vitiligo, but be very very careful and only use products recommended and ideally prescribed by your doctor - a lot of these alternative treatments aren't regulated, so you don't have any way of knowing what's in them.

    Also, make dua and ask Allah to help you with this test - you might want to look at the articles on dua that have been published on this site.

    Midnightmoon editor

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