Tag Archive for ‘dua’

I am raising money for my asylee friend’s family!
Hello, I am Himari, and I have a family friend whose name we call “Minnesota family.” They came to the USA as asylees, and their case is still pending. When they first arrived in 2019, the wait times were 180 days at max, but COVID happened and there were so many people filing for asylum […]

All my Duas turn against me, and I now fear making Dua at all!
I was praying and thanking Allah for keeping me safe while going down the stairs as daily dhikr. At that very moment, I fell down the stairs and broke my foot badly…before I even finished my Dua!

If a person regrets a “bad dua” they made for someone, is the dua still valid?
Is the dua answered, even if the person who made it regrets it?

If Allah has already written a bad fate for me, why should I even pray?
I am so angry at Allah for giving me limitations that prevent happiness. If Allah has already written my fate, why would I even bother praying for it?

Hair loss is affecting my faith in Allah
Allah seems to have abandoned me…why doesn’t he listen to my dua when I have been asking for so long?

I regret my decision to quell my parents’ insecurities and marry
My parents pressured me into marrying a man from America, but I am just not feeling it. He is boring and I see more of his flaws with every day that passes.

I don’t know if I am still a Muslim or not?
I am trying to get Allah but I cannot. 4 years have past my trying. But the result is zero. I pray five time but I cannot find Allah.

Should I continue making dua that we can marry?
Should I keep hope that we can get married and continue doing Du’a despite people telling me to just move on?

I am not Muslim, but I need your prayers
I have been feeling pretty low about my life, things that I cannot change, and I sometimes feel suicidal. I’m not spilling my woes here, because I know there is no solution.

Can dua change my past?
If i was to make dua to Allah (swt) if anyone witnessed or heard about my past can somehow forget or maybe its like they never saw or heard, will it be possible?