Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘emotional abuse’

Running away from home.

My father find some messages of mine… I get scolded and he said you lost my trust…

Arranged vs Love Marriage (Divorce)

Before marriage me and my husband did commitment to take care of his first wife but after our marriage it seemed impossible…

My marrige is ruining

This was a bad dream for me.

In need of hope..too many issues with Self

I am drowned in negative thoughts and emotions regardless of constantly praying and thinking about Allah.

Re-marrying a Muslim man, after separating from an abusive Christian husband: Haram or Halal

Being a new revert, I wanted to make sure that it is not haram, to enter into a new marriage without having to annul my marriage with my legal husband.

Have a horrible crush

I feel it was my fault, I shouldn’t have told him in the first place and just kept denying it. But now I don’t know what to do.

Imprisoned in my own marriage.

He is good in front of other people, gives dawah, teaches deen. But behind closed doors this is what I deal with…

Will the situation ever change?

I’m afraid I can’t be happy,ever. I’m slowly giving up on myself.

Verbal abuse and bad behaviour of wife towards husband and his family

It’s very humiliating for my family and they have asked me to leave this relationship but she does not want leave.

I’m taking my daughters and leaving my husband….for good?

He loses his temper and hits me… I’m ready to pack up my girls and go.