Tag Archive for ‘Family’

I am raising money for my asylee friend’s family!
Hello, I am Himari, and I have a family friend whose name we call “Minnesota family.” They came to the USA as asylees, and their case is still pending. When they first arrived in 2019, the wait times were 180 days at max, but COVID happened and there were so many people filing for asylum […]

My future mother-in-law refuses to initiate relations in an acceptable manner
I think my future mother-in-law is insecure about our marriage. She compares her own beauty to that of my future husband’s girlfriends!

Is it okay for a male to playfully slap the bottom of his teenage sister?
Is this type of touch between opposite-gendered siblings allowed in Islam? How much “skin touch” is allowed?

My in-laws’ verbal abuse led me to say “no more!”
My in-laws are verbally and psychologically abusive to me, but I’m not sure if I’m allowed by Islam to completely stop talking to them.

Confusion over a non-Muslim guy
I’m witnessing that Allah is making him close to my parents and my parents have started to like him…

Should I marry now or continue study?
Should I just give up on marriage and complete my PHD, or leave everything else and try to get married?

Depressed – My mom is having an online affair
All I really need is some help. I’m totally broken and sometimes I fear that I might do something crazy, kill myself maybe but I have a sister who’s just 8 yrs and just like a daughter to me.

Is my relationship with my brother in law is halal or haram
He is younger than me and unmarried. We are like best friends but we never touched each other intentionally.