Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘haraam relationships’

Is he the right one for me or should I just give up??

Usually it would be easy for me to forget a simple crush and move on, but with this man, I even dream about him. I still have hope for him and I don’t know what to do. Should I just ignore the istikhara dream and move on, or should I stay and work things out?

My girlfriend threatens suicide if I don’t marry her

I said that I love her too but don’t promise marrying her. Now she threatens to commit suicide if I don’t marry her. Whenever I leave her she cuts herself and sends me pics in which her hand, arm etc are cut.

Why I can’t be pure towards Allah?

I know that if I regret my deeds it is only because he has left me. I want to go back to Allah but then I think if I repent maybe Allah will give me back that guy… My heart isn’t pure.

Years Of Lies…

I have been with the love of my life for 12 years and 6 months ago I found out he has been lying to me all this time. I have told him it is over between us yet he still insists that we will talk about this… He posted on sites for marriage yet he wasn’t willing to marry me.

I can’t live without him!

He left me in front of everyone but 2 days later said he is really sorry and didn’t do it deliberately – he loves me loads. He promised that he will marry me and he will never leave me…

Can I still be physically intimate with my boyfriend, knowing we’ll get married in future?

We talked about cutting down on the physical relationship however it intimidates us that our feelings for each other may disappear if we do not have this. Would it be acceptable if we continue the way we are now, knowing that we WILL get married in 3 years?

Hurt and confused by my boyfriend’s constant anger

He has so much anger and resentment about past issues which I told him its from the devil, just forgive as Allah forgives bigger sins. But then he gets angry at me saying what about my pride. My family was willing to talk to him and apologize and fix things to make me happy, but he would not speak to them. He isn’t a bad person, but just can’t control his anger.

Lesbianism…Will Allah forgive me?

I became her girlfriend, like a real wife and we stayed together 24/7. It lasted a few months and then she started ignoring me and broke up with me. I am repenting but want her too.

He has moved on and it kills me to see him with someone else

After a few months he asked me to give him a chance, so I did but he left me again saying his parents are not agreeing to our relationship, that it will not work, and that we have no future. I begged him to stay, and I reminded him of everything he said and how he would do anything for us, but he said he can’t anymore and it’s over.

Christian girl in love with a Muslim boy

I know having a girlfriend/boyfriend is not permitted in Islam, but he isn’t really a very religious boy. He and his family don’t pray 5 times/day as I learned a Muslim has to, he reads the Quran just once in a while.