Tag Archive for ‘health’
Is it haram to eat very little?
Is it haram to eat extremely little like for example, going one day without food, then eating a yogurt and then some fruit the next day and repeating?
Family issues
My father was very ill. He says because of his wife and kids he has been cursed and he got heart attack.
I got hepatitis B virus – any advice for marriage?
This was given to me by Allah’s plan then there must be a wisdom. So what step can I put next?
Has someone sent a jinn into me?
Ever since that day I’ve been feeling tired a lot and when I sleep I wake up with my body and bones hurting…
Depressed because of PCOS
I always prayed to Allah that please don’t give me any such disease that would affect my fertility or my appearance.. but Allah didn’t accept my prayer and I think he hates me.
I don’t feel things will get better
You would think your partner would be the first to support you when you share something with him, but he doesn’t support me at all…
Problems with hair fall
I’m a 15 year old male. My hairline has moved back and I don’t know what to do. It’s really difficult to hide.
Concerns About Healthcare Fields for Muslim Women
I have always wanted to work in healthcare. However, I have concerns and would like to know if there are any muslim sisters who have dealt with those issues and how they have got around it.
What should my next step be?
My grandmother, aunt and many other members of my family see me as a very bad person and feel I’m trying to hurt my family and most are not even speaking to me anymore. I’m not sure what other decisions or steps that I can take.