Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘heartbroken’

Normal or not?

I just cant stop crying and regretting the decision I made.

My father doesn’t let me marry him

My father says and believes he will ruin my life and future.

What is my mistake?

I prayed a lot but Allah didn’t hear that, because I am born to be a nonmuslim girl.

Unique/rare health condition – marriage/family stress

I wanted us to get married so I could be with him and take care of him and be his companion.

False Hopes Over Lost Love

Can I keep moving on even though he owns my heart?

My fiancee cheated me after the engagement and blamed my mom and put false allegations on my mom

i trusted her for second time..i lost all my reputation in my family…she broke my heart for the second time…

Girlfriend (sihr-magic) and marriage

I’m starting to think this sihr was maybe done by my parents to lie to me leaving my girlfriend because they didnt have any other way, but they ruined my life.

My wife can’t have children

My wife was okay with the idea of getting a second wife at first but then changed her mind.

Need Dua and advice about this proposal!

My dad called his father to tell him that if it was a no from them then they should’ve had the decency to call and say it. His father said they assumed we said no because we were quiet.

How to gain patience on a heartbreak

I apologized but he told me it’s over that I broke his heart and that he doesn’t trust me anymore.