Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘love’

A relationship with a girl I wish to marry in future

Can I still marry her after chatting and saying I love you?

What should I do?

I fell in love with a senior in my school.

How should I face my husband and ask his forgiveness?

I started to fall in love with a certain boy of 22 years, whom live in the same compound, and he happens to be my husband’s nephew.

I’m very worried

I have a Christian girlfriend. She’s pregnant and we are keeping the baby.

Future to be fiance

Help me please. Does he deserve forgiveness and is worth marrying? And how can i stop living in ocd about his past?

Interfaith Marriage problems

I need advice, I can’t keep hurting in silence.

Should I ask my ex if we have a future together?

Do I take the ‘alpha role’ or do I continue to ‘woo’ her?

In sha allah my hopes will be fulfiled by the power of duaa.

I have heard in Islam if you love someone you should ask for them in prayers. I love him so much and I fear I might lose him.

So confused… was this Allah’s will?

Some days I get really depressed and ask myself why did this happen?

I am in love and I really don’t know whether I am on right path or not?

I feel very cruel and bad person. I feel I have hurt him a lot…