Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘Premarital relationship’

White American Girl Trying to Get Approval of Boyfriend’s Muslim Mother

I am trying to respect his and his family’s culture and religion while at the same time trying to figure out a way to let his family know that I am not trying to take their son away from his or their religion.

Love marriage

My parents are not agreeing. They are in a hurry to get me engaged to some other guy soon.

My life is falling apart

My father said that he will take me to our home country and get me married with someone over there within 15 days. I don’t know which way to go I am constantly being asked to sacrifice my happiness.

Can I be cursed… Or are my prayers accepted?

She said no matter how many prayers you pray, you’ll not find peace, you’ll go to hell…

Does forced marriage and delaying marriage are haram in islam ?

We’re so hurt and sad now, all we can do is dua to Allah to open his parents’ hearts to accept me.

Is praying to Allah for marrying the person I want Haram?

I got into this relationship thinking we would have a future, but he does not seem to be that interested in me.

I want to change him into a good muslim but I am not able to. Help me

I won’t leave him I cannot. I got into this relationship thinking we would have a future and we can. But I just need to change him into a better Muslim. How do I?

I love him but we have sinned

I still feel so in love him though he has told me it is over and he no longer loves me or cares for me.

What is the best for me to do?

My heart automatically falls for her again and again.

How should I approach marriage with an std?

The time nears closer and closer and I need advice…