Tag Archive for ‘problems with in-laws’

I am unhappy in my marriage and having a crisis
On the surface everything looks good and rosy as though we are happy, but underneath everything I feel broken. I cannot play these games… I have never been around these games and cannot carry on like this.

Help – my husband has used me!
His and his parents’ intentions were to use me and to benefit from my American status. They want to use me for their selfish fantasies to live in America.

Do I stay and break up my family or go and risk everything?
I met his family at the wedding. I only realised what a mistake I had made when I was around them.

Husband abandoned kids and wife.
Me and my father went to their house but my mother in law asked my father to take me home, she didn’t want to keep me in the house and my husband says he doesn’t want any more disrespect of his parents.

Istikhara meaning and interpretation
From the very beginning I have been having problems with my husband. We just don’t have the love between us.

Her husband tells every minor thing to his mother
My friend is living in a joint family system. Her husband doesn’t understand that some things can be kept secret without informing his mother.

Interference in marriage, causing unhappiness
My test here comes from my parents and family… I’m feeling helpless stuck between two parties.

Unhappy marriage… what should I do?
The only reason we are still together is because of the kids and because he knows if I leave him nobody will marry him.