Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘Stressed’

My husband doesn’t respect my parents

He doesn’t like it if I go out of my way to help my family…. I really need to find a way out of this.

Suffering from very bad waswas

Why me? What has happened to me? Am I doomed?

Feeling depressed and suicidal

My insurance got cancelled… It is really stressing me out.

My parents dislike my in-laws

I asked why did you marry off if you didn’t like this relation and they were like you had a relationship which is bad so if we marry you to good people what if your ex boyfriend make an issue…

I don’t know exactly what I should do!

I pleasured myself during Ramadan… Should I fast the 60 days or not?

How Do I Deal With This Situation Between Mother and Son?

I have no respect for my mother, but when I see her, I act like a hypocrite and pretend my life is fine, when its not.

Evil inside family and related

After two days spending at their house my cousin curse me that I could go to jail…

I’m in severe pain, confused and lost

My second wife always behaves in a way she makes me feel suspect her…

Problems with my concentration and memory power

In class and tuition I am an expert at my work but during exams my performance is very weak.

Newly married but still not consummated…

My wife thinks it will happen on its own. I unfortunately am often stuck with loosing my patience feeling rejected and less of a man.