Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘suicidal’

I wanna kill myself, I need advice badly

I am in so much pain. He destroyed my innocence… Many times I took knife in my hand…

How can I die peacefully?

I am 15 years old… I need an alternative to suicide. I am suffering.

14 years old and forced into homosexual acts…

That boy always forces me to do these bad things… I have been trying to commit suicide.

I am feeling suicidal, please save me (CLOSED)

I have posted before. Yes a I have many good responses. I saw a psychologist. She is very good but when it comes to Islamic laws she’s a bit vague.

Destroyed my life…..Depressed

I’m 15 years old. I used to be a much better person before. Now my conscience has just died.

Suicidal and traumatised by my past

I have posted here before and got a lot of help, but my mother decided to push me into a trap and now I feel worthless sinner again.

Seventeen, pregnant and suicidal… Considering abortion

I know if I abort I’m going to regret it but I’m very suicidal and carrying someone’s baby I hate is pushing me over the edge.

death better than this life

Sometimes the hope and faith dies and I want to die along with it.

Always been religious but feel like I’m living in a straight jacket

I always avoided the major sins, but I don’t see any tangible rewards. I feel like I’m in a straight jacket.

Being forced into marriage, but I love someone else

I got engaged and I only told that one friend who made me get into the relationship with my true love. I hate the guy I got engaged to; I never talked to him and I never thought this would happen. I never had and never will have any feelings for him because I love someone else and that someone else is not aware of all this.