Tag Archive for ‘threats’

My parents abused me into signing nikah papers
After he beat me, my father threatened me that if I didn’t sign the nikkah papers, he would punish my three siblings by not letting them get further education and would marry them off as soon as possible

Imprisoned by my family for cancelling my arranged wedding
They say that I have killed their pride and therefore I should die and deserve to be raped and killed because I am a whore… They pray for my death, they pray for my unborn children’s deaths and they pray I face suffering throughout life.

I could be the reason my parents divorce.
omy doesn’t leave me starving. I fear nothing more than Jahannam and Allah’s wrath, but from worldly fears I fear a husband like my dad.

Marrying in other caste – parents are against it
My parents have stopped me from praying, my mom and sister thrashed me so hard that I bled… My mom wanted to burn me alive.

My wife wants to kill me
Allah is not listening to me! I feel my wife took insurance on my name to kill me and take money. I don’t know what to do.

My husband’s family have taken my baby away
The only time I saw my baby was when I was breast-feeding. My mother in law demands for my daughter to call her “mum”.

Abused and beaten in pregnancy
My husband’s sister made me cut myself or she will kill me with a knife herself… Another time they attacked me and I was left paralysed for a time.

My husband Resents me
He cursed my family and myself and my lineage and told me I was cursed by Allah… I want khula but he laughed and said he will destroy my life first.

Rape and sexual molestation, verbal abuse and depression
Now he says he wants to have sex when he desire of and I have to come and give him what he wants oral anal virginal sex every thing otherwise he will kill me and will my mother…

My daughter and domestic abuse.
I have spoken with my daughter that this is totally unacceptable behaviour by him but my daughter insists he’s changed…