Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘unhappy’

I can’t love my husband

I’m married to my cousin… I want divorce but my family is not supportive. I see no way out…

Forced into marriage by my parents

I told my parents I don’t want to marry… but just that wasn’t an enough reason. They’re saying “if you dare say to anyone that you’re being forced…”

Do I need to call off my marriage?

As a wife, don’t i have the right to ask for a separate home? Am i selfish for willing to live a happy life with my husband? Should i call off this marriage?

My husband has OCD

Every girl dreams of a perfect marriage, if only I could tell every dream comes true…

My Husband is different after marriage

I want to fix things but I am losing hope as his behaviour becomes worse each day.

I want to divorce my husband

As soon as he came the 2nd day I just knew I was going to have problems with him…

Please help me?

My family knows now about this and they don’t approve it saying where is the proof to this marriage and also they said how can they let this happen?

Husband not giving time

He has no time for me and my son… He is now angry with me not even talking to me.

Should I get a divorce?

I know if I ask my husband for a divorce he will fight me on it because he doesn’t want to lose me, but oddly enough he doesn’t want to work on keeping me.

Cheating bisexual husband

How can he love me and cheat? He has no respect for me.