Islamic Answers 2017 
I wanted to overlook his bad past(4)
I wasn’t planning on judging him for mistakes he made in the past, but when I started to get to know him better, I realized that he wasn’t really the person I thought he was when I first met him. I still decided that I wanted to be with him in hope that he’d change.
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My confession and call for help
I feel horrible. Disgusting. I want to go back to God, I feel so bad. I cry at night, I can’t sleep, I can’t live with myself. I don’t know how fix this. I want to go back to God, but because my faith in my Deen has been lacking, I keep getting influenced into bad things. I always let my drive for physical love get to me.

Swapping school for caretaking my sick wife
We would fight often. It was later diagnosed that she was under the influence. She could see things. She got possessed. Either it was that, or she was schizophrenic. I started taking extra, extra care of her.

Conflicted feelings regarding istikhara
I have a man who recently proposed to my family. When my parents agreed, he and I prayed istikhara to decide if this is truly the right decision. When he prayed, he received a negative feeling about moving forward, however, when I prayed, I had a positive feeling or no feelings at all. What is the ruling for conflicting feelings?