**I stopped practicing Islam and I plan suicide if things don’t improve**(18)
I am from an abusive home….I give myself two weeks to gather courage to move out and get myself together, and if I can’t gather the courage, then I’m going to remove myself and cease to exist
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Family guilting and beating me for fighting for my rights.
When I tried to tell my dad not to touch me very calmly and respectfully, my sisters all turned to me and said “It’s okay…he’s my dad and can do whatever he wants.”

Parents are trying to force me away from the girl I want
I have been researching about solutions for all this, and I found that it’s my right, as well as my duty, to make the right decision for myself…but my parents say that they don’t care about Qur’an and Hadith. They actually blame me that I am hiding behind all this to serve my agenda.

Family shuts me in a small room, I’m highly suicidal
My sister told me that even my brother in law had set up a plan where he will gather a knife, gun and gasoline and I choose how I want to go. At least I will have the honor in choosing how I can die.