Islamic marriage advice and family advice

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Family dysfunction led to my Borderline Personality Disorder(3)

February 24, 2024

After a history of dysfunctional family and abuse in that environment, I realized that I likely have Borderline Personality Disorder. I am ashamed of this and furthermore do not have a well-paying, consistent job that would allow me to leave the family environment that is always in crisis.

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Need confirmation of historical incident with our Prophet (S.A.W.)

I have a faint memory of a story I encountered a long time back, of our Prophet’s dealings with John the Baptist.

I don’t want a friend who negatively influences me

I have a fear of getting hurt by his habits, fear of holding a grudge against him, and fear of being in a fight with him again.

I am raising money for my asylee friend’s family!

Hello, I am Himari, and I have a family friend whose name we call “Minnesota family.” They came to the USA as asylees, and their case is still pending. When they first arrived in 2019, the wait times were 180 days at max, but COVID happened and there were so many people filing for asylum […]

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