Islamic marriage advice and family advice

How can we prove that my cousin stole the gold?

Thief with bag of lootMy uncle's son has been accused by my parents of stealing gold jewelry and a few hundred in money. This was 2 years ago. Until now, we haven't been able to prove it even though my entire family know he's the only one that could have done it.

2 years later and his family are still waiting for evidence that he's done it and in 2 years, we haven't been able to gather the evidence. We would like a solution as to how to prove it.

If anyone knows a maulvi or mufti that can find out and find evidence e.g. where he's hidden it, we would be really grateful.

- Sumaiiya

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3 Responses »

  1. Sister,

    Several years ago, my mothers home was broken into. All her gold and personal belonging were taken. We had a gut feeling it was the son of the family who lived behind her home. The guy was a drug user and always up to no good. However, we had no real proof he did it. Nothing. The police could not help because as far as they were concerned, no one saw him.

    No matter what you or your family do, chances are you will never truly know who took the gold and money. It has already been two years and you still haven't a clue where the money and gold are. In my opinion, you just have to cut your losses and move on. You cannot prove anything and there is no one other than the person who actually stole the items that knows the truth.

    Another thing to keep in mind is this. Even though your parents accused your uncles son, that does not make it so. What if the uncles son did not in fact not take the items but has been wrongly accused for the last two years? Can you only imagine what that has done to him if he is in fact innocent? In the end, no one can tell you who took the items and if anyone tells you that they have the ability to do so, they are nothing more than a con artist. It is a very unfortunate thing for your family to have to go through. If your parents can learn anything from what has transpired, it is to lock up any valuables and be a whole lot more careful in the future.


  2. How would a mufti know where he hid the gold, (that's if he really stole it)??? Only Allah swt knows and no one else. If anyone belives that a mufti could tell you about it, than its shirk and its forbidden in islam. Allah swt forgives all sins (if one sincerely repents and doesnt repeat the sin), except shirk.

  3. Assalaamu Alaykum,

    Being suspicious of others is forbidden in Islam. We are to treat each other with respect and dignity, and take others at their word. If solid proof comes against someone that requires them to be treated differently, then fine. But without proof, the suspicion is unwarranted and will become a destructive force to all involved.

    In many cultures we are brought up to believe we can "know" another person's heart or true intentions. We think we can believe they did something without any evidence of it. This is not how Allah expects us to be, as muslims. We are to recognize that only Allah knows the heart, or the intentions of another. Only Allah can know what is hidden, and we are to rely on Him for matters that challenge us and do our best to work with what we can see.

    There is a hadith that says,

    Usama bin Zaid was sent in an expedition, he spoke about one man in the battlefield, he said:
    … I saw one of them, he said “laa ilaaha illallah”. I stabbed him, and after that I felt bad and so told Muhammad (saw) what I did. The Prophet (saw) asked: “did he say laa ilaha illallah, and you killed him?” I said: “He said it, but only out of fear for my sword.” He (saw) asked “did you check his heart to see if he believed it?” he kept on repeating that question until I wished that I was not Muslim yet until that day.” [Muslim V-2 P-107]

    This man was chastised for what would seem like a reasonable situation, probably something any one of us might do given the circumstances. It's a way we often think, that people say things to clear themselves of danger or punishment, but do not really mean it or are lying. Even still, we are shown in this example to take the value of someone's word, even if it means letting an enemy who could potentially kill us go free to safety. That's very heavy, and we shouldn't take that lightly when we are dealing with others (especially family).

    -Amy Editor

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