Tag Archive for ‘bad dua’

If a person regrets a “bad dua” they made for someone, is the dua still valid?
Is the dua answered, even if the person who made it regrets it?

I said a bad dua for my brother…now what?
I am guilty in that I gave bad dua to my brother and also my mom is in the wrong because she cursed me for no reason.

Do they have to bear the burden of their parents’ wrong deeds?

I want to Marry an already married Girl/woman
The only thing she is afraid of is the Bad’duah of her husband, that what if he gave her a bad’duah or what if the ALLAH’s wrath came upon her after getting divorced.

Cursing abusive husband
Is this her curse that went back to her and instead her beloved brother dies or is it only a coincidence? Can she curse the man and his family who have deprived her n her kids from life?

Being forced to marry but I love someone else
My parents have beaten me, threatened to disown me or send me back to our home country… My father even said he would divorce my mother if I don’t agree.

Mother in law making bad duas
She is very dominating, she wants everything her way. If anything goes wrong she will start screaming and doing bad duas. Not only me but she says bad duas for her own children.

My mother keeps making bad duaa
I wish my mother won’t make duaa for me at all, if most of them are just “may allah deal with you” and bad duaa bad bad bad. She’s never happy with me.