Tag Archive for ‘break up’

Need immediate help on marriage
But now I feel like I should go back to her .. I don’t understand why I am hopping like this. But I feel I will never get a girl like this in life, she is perfect for me.

We met on social media and fell in love
Now she is saying after 5 years that she doesn’t feel the same…

He keeps trying to come back
I didn’t want this haram relationship anymore so I broke it off… He has tracked me down on Facebook.

Premarital relationships
When we were together we used to talk about intimate things and other things. But after the break up he only talked to me about sex and I felt so disrespected and guilty.

Advice needed on moving on from heartbreak
My boyfriend has been diagnosed cancer which has spread… He tells me he has been engaged to his cousin (also with cancer) since he was 10… Two days after the break-up I see him be affectionate to her on Instagram.