Tag Archive for ‘cheating husband’

I wish to leave my cheating husband and take the children with me
My husband has been explicitly talking to other ladies, even going as far as sending inappropriate pictures and videos and attempting to meet up with them.

Did my husband have an emotional affair?
Mu husband started doing therapy for his own personal reasons and he opened up to me about a girl that he met online in 2016 in a different country, and who he seems to be in love with.

My husband says he “light flirts.”
My husband keeps chatting with other women and it’s driving me crazy.

Is his psychosis causing him to sin?
He says his mental condition of psychosis leads to all this, but I don’t believe him. He asked for forgiveness, so I forgave him. But living with him has become unbearable and I no longer trust him. What should I do?

Is he worth staying married to?
What she should do: divorce, or live with that person, who’s involved in all kinds of sin? He cheats on her and he’s talking to a lot of other girls and doesn’t care if she feels alone. He just play games and minds his business. He doesn’t care about anything.

I’m losing my mind about my husband’s double standards
Do I deserve what I am going through? Am I a complete failure to Allah?

Need help to stop husband’s repeated infidelity
My parents opinion is to stay silently – at least the child will get father’s name. But I am not able to live with this person.

My husband is chatting to women
He has created an account on a marriage website that states he isn’t married… he said he was stressed and bored.