Tag Archive for ‘converting’
My parents dont accept him
They say because he is Mexican and too young… He isn’t Muslim so he is willing to convert for me.
I wish to convert and do nikah with a Vietnamese girl
My parents said they would never accept her being 10 years old than me and having dated other men in her life.
What is the process of becoming Ismaili?
I want my kids to grow up respecting the Ismaili Prince as much as their father does! How long is the process of switching?
Am I facing trial or punishment?
I converted to Islam. My family is hindu. I am not able to see any door out.
Does a Christian woman have to convert to marry a Muslim man
I just don’t feel like marriage would be the right reason to convert.
My husband converted to Islam and married another
Does his marriage to me and my children become nothing just because he said he converted?
I’m scared to break up with him
I want to end it and devote my life to Allah… I’m scared of what he’ll do.
Please help a new sister !!
I just really don’t know what to do with everything going on in my life and I am really struggling to come to terms with everything
I’m 14 and want to convert to Islam
I do plan on telling my parents when I’m over 18, but every night I think about everything that might go wrong.