Am I facing trial or punishment?
Sir, I am converted muslim... I met to man because of whom i accepted islam. At start I was not that strong believer. But soon I started belive in Allah. I made lot of mistakes some times unknowingly some times taking Allah for granted as he will never leave me. Now when I come to the point where i thought to tell my family about my conversion ( my family is hindu ) that man took step back.. forsake me. All his relatives including him suddenly stop talking to me and said we have no relation with you. Now I am staying with family since 2 months. Keeping myself away from shirk. I believe in Allah. But at start i thought as all situations before Allah always helped me through now i feel i am loosing my patience. I am not able to see any door out. Does Allah wants to harden my heart and get me away from him? What i am suppose to do? I have no there any dua? Am i facing trial or punishment? I asked for his forgiveness for my wrongdoings. please help me.
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As Salam O Alaikum
Aapa.. kya aapka uss shaqs se nikaah hogaya hai ? Agar nahi hua hai toh aap pehle hi convert kyu hue ? Mazhab dil se apnana chahiye na ki kisi shaqs k liye.. yeh khud ek bada gunaah hai
Sister ,
I salute you for the decision to accept the truth .
In Islam boyfriend/girlfriend relations are not allowed .Only marriage is the solution to stay together .
In case if your guy is not sincere i suggest you to move ahead but be firm on your faith as this life is short and we will be accountable for our faith and actions after death .
Pray to Allah that he shows true path to your family members also .
Your are great and better than any one who is born in Muslim family. You are Muslim because you have chosen it over other religions. Islam certainly test its followers in order to check heir dedication and devotion towards Allah. Do not worry God will bless you with streangth and courage.
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It sometimes happens this way, it is okay. All is for good. Have patience and see beyond this time for all times have a season and every season shall pass. However I suggest you seek true guidance for many will comes as wolves dressed in sheep's clothing. John14:6
Asalam aleikhum warahumatulahi wabarakhat
my dia thanks for joing islam and being a strong believer may Allah reward u abundantly for that
Am really sorry for what you going through right now but just know Allah tests those he loves and there must be a reason why he is doing that to you
stay focused,Pray to Allah, continue being submissive to the religion u will get the best out of the hard times your facing right now
May Allah ease everything for you In Shaa Allah