Tag Archive for ‘faith’
I shared my body measurements with a guy online
I explained how this is wrong and I will no longer keep the chat open, and that they should forget me, my measurements, what happened…
How can I be a better Muslim? Please don’t judge my lesbian relationship.
I don’t want to end my lesbian relationship. What else can I do to improve in my religion?
I chose my girl over Allah and am having a crisis of faith
Allah is most merciful, I thought he’ll let it work out and, I wouldn’t have to lose my Lord nor my love. But in the end, I lost both.
I am certain I will commit zina…I have no faith in myself or Allah
My faith in Allah is waning the longer I go without a spouse.
He loves me, he loves me not…
I am a teenager but I am in love with my cousin. How do I ascertain his feelings? Should I wait?
Am I worthy of a good man?
After having committed zina, I am worried that I am no longer a good catch…is Allah punishing me?
My husband hates me for becoming a Muslim
My husband is the only Muslim that I know and he hates me for becoming Muslim.
Was it All the Will of Allah?
Are we really piloting our own lives? Can my soul be saved and my faith rekindled despite all that has transpired?