Tag Archive for ‘feelings’
I need advice on crushes
I am 15. I want to be with her. I want to do this the Islamic and halal way.
Leaving a girl for Allah
I don’t have any options and my friend is saying me to marry her and I don’t want to marry her.
Should I go with istikhara or my feelings?
Every time the same answer comes but I am not satisfied with it.
I let him touch me because I love him
I’m 16 years old and for a year I was in haram relationship. I feel so disgusted with myself…
Married but ex keeps contacting me
He is someone I really respect… but I am scared that if I hadn’t cut him off it might ruin things with my husband.
I’m 14 and in love with my cousin forever help me
I feel disgusted with myself for liking my own blood relative but at the same time I can’t help it.
Wife and mother issue..
The problem is my wife and my mom don’t get along. I wish I could reunite their feelings.
Is this truly haraam even though I’ve never had sexual relations, nor wanted to have sexual relations with a girl?