Tag Archive for ‘molestation’
Molested by cousin
Now I’m like 100% sure that it wasn’t misunderstanding and my cousin actually molested me.
Abused since 9 years. In a serious need of help.
I would honestly not be alive today, if suicide wasn’t haram.
Screaming In Silence as Guilt Kills me Everyday
I just want to stop all this and run away, I feel everyone looks at me with disgust and they all are aware of my sins, this makes me very paranoid.
Rape and sexual molestation, verbal abuse and depression
Now he says he wants to have sex when he desire of and I have to come and give him what he wants oral anal virginal sex every thing otherwise he will kill me and will my mother…
Respecting a father who used to molest and abuse
I tried to forgive my father but he gives me creeps and I still cry because of him. I just can’t respect him. Kindly tell me what to do.
Extremely scared of the opposite sex….
Raping, molesting, etc. caused in the world are majority by men… Seriously, would these horrific men like if the same thing would be done to their daughter’s and mothers, sisters, etc???
Father in law is a child molester
The conviction also stated that he is not ever allowed contact with any child under 16. I need to protect my kids.
Forgiving my father
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, While praying taraweeh the other night a question brought fear into my heart. It has been a year since I’ve spoken to my father. He is in jail for raping my siblings. I understand in islam you have to be nice to your parents no matter what, so my […]
My sexual urges are strong from past molestation
The sexual urges I felt at puberty could not be controlled and I came to know how we can watch porn on YouTube. I soon started watching dirty videos, masturbating, repenting and doing the same cycle all over again. I used to do it on and off, and no matter how hard I tried I always end up doing it and then feeling super guilt shortly after.